Awarded Effective Practice in Emotional Mental Wellbeing in Schools Mark
We are delighted to share that DESC has achieved the ‘Effective Practice’ Mark for Emotional Mental Wellbeing in Schools Mark
On 21st May 2024, we welcomed Shelley Woods and Charlotte Dyer from the Emotional Mental Wellbeing in Education Team (EMWiE) to assess our Emotional Mental Wellbeing in Schools Mark application. I’m delighted to share that DESC achieved the ‘Effective Practice’ Mark.
Some highlights of the feedback was:
‘DESC benefits from a broad and knowledgeable Pastoral/Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) Team who undeniably place the mental health and emotional wellbeing of the entire school and its community at the core of everything they do.
DESC takes time to meet students at their level prior to joining so that relationships and familiarity with learners and their families are established from the start.
Modelling behaviour and language is a huge part of the environment and approach at DESC, with staff regularly reinforcing their training and knowledge around what is it to be truly therapeutic.’
Clare Deacon
Therapeutic Services Coordinator
Senior Mental Health Lead